How People Feel About Third Party Data

Like it or not, third-party data affects everyone—from credit reports and purchase history to entertainment and even what car you buy. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry built around the collecting and selling of information.

Whether you agree with it, the shift from third-party data (purchased information) to first-party data (business-owned) is happening. One benefit of this shift is that it provides the opportunity to deliver personalized messages, but it also comes with concerns about privacy and security. Consumers will wonder how much a company really knows about them and how they’re protecting that information.

We recently conducted a research study to help organizations better. Understand how professionals are gathering and using customer data, how. They feel about the value of that data, and what will happen as a result of changes within third-party. Data that will be available to them. After surveying more than 230 professionals across. The united states, it was fascinating to see the. Perspectives, attitudes, and beliefs that emerged.

Different segments different beliefs

After conducting the research, three distinct segments emerged. Think about which one sounds like your ideas and beliefs about third-party data.

independent respondents
Representing 25 percent of our survey participants, independent telephone number list respondents feel good about their organization’s use of data. They aren’t too worried about the loss of third-party data, mainly because they don’t use much of it. These respondents say they carefully protect the privacy of the data they collect, and they know what to do with it. They give their organizations high marks for analyzing data, keeping it current and integrating it across departments so everyone can use it.

Independent respondents also say their organization

Focuses on making sure they are well-prepared for whatever comes in the future because they’re good at adjusting to change.

This group is the least likely of our data segments CU Lists to say they worry about their organization’s ability to succeed without access to third-party data. They believe that data-based approaches to marketing are more effective than traditional methods. And they’re the least likely to say that buyers are more likely to block their ads or that data privacy laws make it harder for them to do their jobs.

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