Think about a purchase you made ten years ago. Maybe that’s too long ago to remember. What about a purchase from the past year? Now ask yourself, what resources did you have at your disposal to ensure that your purchase was exactly what you wanted? In the digital world today, we have more resources than ever to keep companies accountable for their products and experiences. While this might sound great for consumers, it’s forcing companies to constantly change and evolve to the needs of their customers.
A recent study by accenture reveals that today’s digital technologies have reshaped customers’ buying behavior to the extent that almost all customers have become digital customers. The study largely attributes this switch to the emergence of what they call “the new fabric of life.”
The new fabric of life
Accenture’s research explores the evolution of the ways customers learn about companies, purchase products, and access customer support over the last ten years. Today’s customer, for example.
Consumers are looking for deeper relationships and an appreciation for life
Look for sustainability– customers are buying less clothing, footwear, and furniture.
Discovering other worlds – the metaverse is giving consumers new ways to meet and interact, but also buy and sell virtual items.
Seek trustworthy opinions – in the past 18 months, consumers tend to trust those in their social circle rather than strangers.
Moving care and compassion to the forefront – from covid-19 to mental illness consumers are looking for brands that care about health.
The new fabric of life has a personable and compassionate approach to reaching consumers. While also discovering new technologies and cultures that come with it. While businesses may contribute to this growth of the metaverse, they could be missing out on a deeper relationship with customers.
Five struggles to keep up with consumers
Smart businesses acknowledge the evolution calling lists of society’s needs and wants over the past decade. However, the struggle for these companies isn’t changing their strategies to meet their customer’s needs, but rather keeping up with the constant changes and improvements that are required to stay trusted by their customers. The accenture study gives us five consumer trends that are causing companies to struggle in meeting the demands of their customers.
Customers are always looking for individualism.
People are desiring more control and might need more details when considering purchases.
Consumers are looking for a balance of affordable and sustainable
Many businesses lose customers because there is a shortage of products. This shortage can be from many different sources such a supply chain issues, a lack of CU Lists convenient solutions to repair a means, or a worldwide shutdown.
Customers look to the metaverse for a new place to interact, consume, and earn.
Digital worlds are new to consumers and businesses, but it proves to have almost infinite possibilities to create value for your company and consumers.
Expectations for consumer answers.
Some of the most popular customer complaints are failure to deliver on promises, slow customer service, and lack on interaction. Defining how to
Answer the consumer is a major design challenge, doing it well will earn trust and have a competitive edge.