FELGTBI presents Mirrors in the classrooms to make LGTBI teachers visible

The State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans, Bisexuals. Intersex and more (FELGTBI+) presents “ Mirrors in the classrooms ”. This back-to-school campaign wants to make LGTBI+ teachers visible. Create references for younger people who are afraid of being themselves in the classrooms. Mirrors in the classrooms is aimed at the entire educational community since they consider it to be one of the basic socializing agents of our city and its role is important for the construction of identities of the youngest. They defend that if diversity is normalized from a young age. Therefore, as adults there will not be as much harassment. Therefore, discrimination towards the group.

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The message of the campaign, which top industry data is present in the official trailer. Therefore, is: ” Make yourself visible in your school and become a reference for diversity .” In this video we can see teachers talking about their past. How proud they are to be able to be a role model for their students. “When my student told me that she was dating a girl. It meant that she trusted me,” says Mikel Díaz. Therefore, a transsexual Primary Education teacher. As stated in the statement , it seems that the level of visibility is higher among younger staff , because they have had an educational process in which respect has been more present. This is why these campaigns are so important, so that the youngest students have a reference and learn to respect diversity.

Discrimination and hate crimes against the LGTBI+ group

According to data CU Lists from the foundation. Therefore, 18% of the group’s professionals have not come out of the closet in their jobs . 67% consider that LGTBI+ people are little or not visible at all for fear of losing their jobs. Therefore, suffering harassment and hatred in the classrooms. The legal protection of LGTBI+ people is protected through article 14 of the Spanish Constitution , establishing that “Spanish people are equal before the law. Therefore, without any discrimination prevailing due to birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other reason.” “other personal or social condition or circumstance.” But according to a report created by the foundation itself, 63.8% of hate crimes are not reported.

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