Four Generations Converge in the

Go check it out.a pessimist is a pessimist and an optimist is an optimist. Information is another matter. In a tone that was difficult for me to distinguish (was there mortification in that message or was it simply a jovial admonition?), a cordial colleague wrote to me through the useful whatsapp, shortly after i publish a status through this same application. Converge in the It was a short text (conceiv in the form of a haiku) that appears in mario benetti ‘s book , haiku corner . He pray that verse: «a pessimist / is just an optimist / well-inform» . I’m not trying to convince anyone.

Forever to the Extreme of the

Being well inform in this context, i believe, does not necessarily (or exclusively) imply being in possession of the information that is suppos to be held by someone who assumes culture or claims for themselves the condition of being a person aware of current business email list world events, information of the type that the newscasts, newspapers and political magazines eagerly cover. If so, that haiku would almost be assuming that one could not become an ucat person or someone critically interest in national and international reality and, at the same time, remain an optimist.

Vision of “Making a Career

Business Email list

Many die-hard optimists, who know themselves (or simply believe they are) cultur and inform. Converge in the would reject this idea furiously or at least slightly uncomfortable (perhaps a little like my good colleague). But i don’t think that is CU Lists the tenor of those verses.being well inform (i suspect) refers to the fact – let’s put it that way – of being attentive to the “b side” of existence. To that background that is always present , but to which – it seems that usually – not enough attention is paid – or. Simply . Is ignor – probably due to reasons of mental asepsis.  Perhaps of mental health, perhaps of emotional comfort: the miseries of which men are capable,

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