Different Data Segments Different Data Challenges

Coming out of the research study, three different attitudinal segments emerged: independent, data-reliant and concerned respondents. Each feels differently about the challenges their organizations face.

Independent respondents feel optimistic about their organizations’ data practices and don’t worry about third-party data as much because they’re the least likely of any group in the study to use it. They’re also the least likely to worry about buyers blocking their ads or data privacy laws and legislation.

Data-reliant respondents live and breathe data and believe it’s more important than ever. They have no ethical quandaries about using third-party data and say their organizations have plans to integrate more data into their decision-making.

Concerned respondents make up the largest portion of our study

These professionals believe purchased data carries risks and can negatively influence customer perceptions about their organizations cell phone lists and are looking for ways to replace third-party data when it goes away.

Ask yourself: which one closely matches your perspective? Your feelings about data can reflect the challenges you face. It can also provide insights into how to overcome them.

Overcoming data challenges in marketing
It’s common for small organizations to be understaffed, underskilled and underutilize the data they do have. On the other hand, larger organizations can misuse data or find themselves in hot water with customers and regulators. Think about the unique challenges your organization faces. What challenges are you most concerned about.

No matter what size organization you’re a part

Always make sure you understand how CU Lists your data flows. Remember, poor quality data means a poor quality output. We know that gathering data can be tricky. The first and easiest step is just getting email addresses. Also, make sure you and your team really understand the implications of third-party data going away. If you don’t have a plan in place for when the change happens, it’s going to be much more challenging to find a solution.

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